Product Description
The bricks are made of soft and hard wood. The have the shape of a
polyhedron with a hole across in their entire length and a glossy
Packaging: Pack of 10 pieces of polypropylene film, 960 kgs per pallet.
Dimensions: 50x50x320mm
Humidity: 5-8%
Heat of Combustion: 4500 kcal / kg
Ash: not more than 0.6%
Convenient packing (12 briquettes, package weight – 10 kg)
Low weight even of great volume of briquettes
High density – so it occupies less space
Environmentally friendly raw materials, does not cause an allergic reaction.
Safe storage – there is no possibility of spontaneous ignition.
– Ruf & Pini Kay Briquettes contained 0.8kgx12 pcs per 10kg bag.
– Nielsen & Nestro Briquettes contained 2kgx5 pcs per 10kg bag.
Specifications Pini Kay briquette.
Raw material – birch, ash or mix of hardwood sawdust.
Briquettes size: 50x50x320 mm
Humidity: <7 %
Calorific value: 18,5 MJ/kg
Ash: contect: <3%
Specifications RUF briquettes:
Raw material – birch, ash or mix of hardwood sawdust.
Calorific value: 18,5 MJ/kg
Moisture: <7%.
Ash content: 0,5%.
Dimensions: 155x65x90÷110 mm.
Specifications Nestro & Nielsen briquettes:
Wood type: Larch Wood Sawdust.
Length – 300 mm ±15 mm.
Diameter: 70-90 mm, 5 mm.
Moisture: <8%.
Ash Content – 4,8%.
Sulphur Content: 0,03%.
Calorific value: 17,5-18,5 MJ/kg
Density g/cm – 1,05.